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tv   The Daily Rundown  MSNBC  January 15, 2013 6:00am-7:00am PST

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what did you learn? >> three things. i got to send her some ties, you, too. >> we know you have enough. >> harold? >> jowhat did you learn? >> i learned president is very defensive about his party-going and giving. i don't think it is just the president. it is the republicans and it is the rest of the country. >> it is. >> there's a likable guy. very likable guy when you talk to him. you know, i learned that -- he -- his girls, as girls, do, they don't want to hang out with him as much. that may be good for negotiations. what did you learn? >> i learned the show was great today. thank you very much. >> am i interrupting less? >> you are slurpting less but i wouldn't let it get into your head. everything you do makes this show happen. and you know, just -- once in a while, we have a bad day. don't let pathetic people want
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to criticize you and get in your head because the show -- is all about you. >> month, it is not. >> and i run it. >> she does run it. that's true. >> seriously. who runs the show? >> mika. >> who runs the show? seriously. >> she just walked off camera. >> she runs the show. >> many other -- >> what do you call her? >> people that don't know how the show runs -- you know. because she is not here we are now 30 seconds over. >> right now it is time important chuck todd and "the daily run-down." >> amazing. place your debts. president obama lays down his marker on the next fiscal fight fight facing congress in the country. will republicans fight back saying nothing will happen without more spending cuts? state of play. democratic governors are moving
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fast to change gun laws in their states, will support on the state level help or hurt the white house push here in washington? promises promises. today a deep dive into a president obama pitched as candidate obama and what he did from that first inaugural speech to his announcement speech and, of course, when he accepted that nomination. we are looking back at all of it. it is very interesting and you should take look. good morning from washington. tuesday, january 15, 2013. this is the -- little bit late, "daly run-down." i'm chuck todd. first reads of the morning. with washington once again careening towards a fiscal crisis, this one now about debt and spending. the president used his last news conference of his first term to make it clear he intends to stand firm and refuse to negotiate over the debt limit. >> republicans in congress have would choices. they can act responsibly and pay
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america's bills or they can act irresponsibly and put america through another economic crisis. they will not collect ransom in exchange for not crashing the american economy. >> the president rejected calls from senate democrats to use some form of an 11th hour executive action. whether it is the 14th amendment, minting a coin, whatever, to side step congress and raise the debt limit unilaterally. >> are you considering a plan b? and if not -- >> well, chuck, the issue here is whether or not america pays its bills. we are not a deadbeat nation. there are no magic tricks here. there are no loopholes. >> to explain the thinking of the white house and why no plan b is this. the president believes its republicans who should own all of the political uncertainty on any default debt crisis. and he wants to avoid handing the gop a get-out-of-jail card.
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the white house believes if they help republicans come up with a temporary fix, like going around them find something other way, democrats share in some of the political chaos that would ensue. the president pressed his point by rattling off constituency groups that will feel the pain if treasury can no longer pay its bills. >> if congressional republicans refuse to pay america's bills on time, social security checks and veterans benefits will be delayed. we might not able to pay our troops or honor our contracts with small business owners. >> clear what the president was trying to say. hey, republicans, this is you and you are going to make all of those constituency groups mad. hours after the news conference treasury department said that it will run out of ways to keep the u.s. under the legal borrowing limit sometime now between mid february and early march. earlier than thought. even as president obama refused to negotiate on that front. he also dared republicans to come up with a proposal that
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meets their own standard. meaning for every dollar that they raise the did he limit it be matched by a dollar of spending cuts. the president believes that they can't do it. >> if john boehner and mitch mcconnell think they can come up with a plan that somehow meets their criteria they set, they are free on go ahead and try. >> republicans still believe the president will blink and they will be able to meg officiate on the debt ceiling. you about want to find a way out of getting boxed in on the debt ceiling themselves, believing a fight over funding the government is a much better political fight for their party. here's congresswoman marsha blackburn yesterday. >> i think there is a way to avoid default. if it requires shutting down certain portions of the government, let's look at that. >> yesterday the president sounded almost resign to the idea a government shutdown is
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probably coming up. >> if the republicans in congress made a decision they want to shouldn't down the government in order to get their way, then they have the -- votes at least in the house of representatives probably to do that. i think that would be a mistake. and it would be profoundly damaging to our economy. >> once again, what the white house was trying to signal on debt limit in government shutdown is this. they are not going the try to help republicans find a way out of it. they have to own debt limit and republican leaders know they need to move off of debt limit. they are trying to find a way out of it. the white house was also saying, hey, we know will is a negotiating -- debate and fight coming on funding the government. and the white house was trying to separate the two issues. also republicans want to merge them together. question we will be asking a member of the house republican leadership coming up in a few minutes. while it is unclear what proposals washington will be able to agree on to curb gun
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violence, handful of blue state governors are taking unilateral action to pass some of the strictest laws on guns that we have seen in any state in decades. the new york state assembly is expected to vote today on a package of changes to gun laws favored by governor andrew cuomo that would broaden the definition of an assault weapon. ban semiautomatic pistols and rifles with the detachable magazines, ban any gun magazine that can hold over seven rounds of ammunition and require mental health professionals to report patients they believe are likely to do harm to themselves or others. law enforcement would then be able to confiscate weapons those folks own. the bill passed the state senate already last night by a whopping 43 to 18 margin. in maryland, democratic governor martin o'malley who also has his eye, by the way, on 2016 presidential politics, announced a controversial new licensing requirement which would bar anyone from owning a handgun
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without passing a training course and providing fingerprints to a police database. in delaware, democratic governor jack markell and biden proposed an end to the gun show loophole. proposal that failed to pass in that state two years ago as well as an assault weapons ban. later this week the president will formally unveil proposals he would like to see on the federal level that will attempt to place to curb some of the gun violence. news conference monday, he -- president seemed to offer a preview of what he will be supporting. >> we have to have stronger background checks that we can do a much better job and -- in terms of keeping these -- magazine clips with high capacity out of the hands of pokes who shouldn't have them. assault weapons ban that's meaningful. if will is a step we can take that will save even one child from what happened in newtown, we should take that step. president obama was quick to
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acknowledge that there are political challenges ahead. >> all of them get through this congress, i don't know. but i'm confident that there are some steps that we can take that don't require legislation. >> vice president biden, who met monday with house democrats on the issue, told them a lot of executive actions are going to take place. they can range from new limits on guns imported overseas to requiring general agencies to share mental health records, to directing the centers for disease control and prevention to conduct research on gun debts. >> vice president biden indicated that there was some 19 areas that he was able to identify that the president could take action on through executive order. >> the difficult politics of getting any sort of gun restrictions lou congress hangs in the air with even the president resigned to the fact he won't get everything he wants. new polling may help the white
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house, though. according to two new polls, one from abc and "washington post," and the other from the pew research center, nearly 60% of americans support a ban on assault weapons but any real gun reform face as very uphill battle in congress. listen to what the in the democratic majority leader, harry reid, told his hometown pbs station on friday. >> let's be realistic. in the senate we are going to do what we think can get through the house. i'm not going lou a bunch of these gyration just to say we have done something. >> president obama wants to reinstate that assault weapons ban. would you be in favor of that? >> is it something that can pass the senate? maybe. is it something to pass the house? i doubt it. so i think that there are things we know we can do. >> could he have made it any clearer? he is not putting anything on the senate floor that he doesn't think passes the house. so he won't be putting anything on the senate floor. anything real gets done on guns in washington it will be because of the victims groups.
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in newtown monday a poignant reminder of the sandy hook tragedy. some of the victims' family members and other residents launched the group called the sandy hook promise. it is pushing for a national dial bog guns in america. >> it has been one month since i lost my son, dylan, and 25 others family members lost their loved ones. i still find myself reaching for dylan's hand or crawl into bed with me to kid. >> on friday, december 14 i put two children on the bus and only one came home. i pray that no mother, father, grandparent or caregiver of children ever have to go through this pain. >> the only hope anybody has of making any new laws is going to come from the lobbying from those families. finally, as difficult as the politics are of getting any sort of gun restrictions through this congress, there is an issue which we are seeing a bipartisan consensus forming. wasn't clear how important
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immigration reform to the future of the republican party. just look at who is now falling in line behind florida senator marco rubio's new proposal that would give legal status to millions of immigrants. headlined -- marco rubio, riding to the immigration rescue. his proposal would say illegal immigrants would have to pay a fine, pay back tax do community service, prove they have been here for an extended period of time. understand some english and become assimilated. most of them would get legal stat us and be allowed to stay in the country. congressman paul ryan is weighing in. he wrote this on his facebook page. senator rubio is exactly right on the immediate to fix our broken immigration system. i support the principle he's outlined. modernization of our immigration law, stronger security to curb illegal immigration and respect important the rule of law in addressing the complex challenge of the undocumented population. eagerness to jump onboard is
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bipartisan. majority leader harry reid describing the prospects for immigration reform in the months ahead. >> it is going to be first thing on our agenda. the -- majority, every senate, lists their top ten items. immigration is the number one item. we are going to do immigration. they are now -- agreed tentatively on a path of citizenship which is the big stumbling block. we may be able to come up with a bipartisan bill quicker than you think. >> it is going to move fast. bottom line big deals happening in congress on a bipartisan basis when there are people on both sides who stand to benefit. in this case republicans in congress and republicans nationally immediate immigration reform. perhaps even more be the democrats do. that's why paul ryan jumped onboard. he and marco rubio won on this. that's a big deal. stalemate over spending. president obama says he won't negotiate on the debt limit. is the government shutdown inevitable? greg waldon, a member of the
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leadership, he joins me on that issue and more on whether his party has primary problem. we will ask him how he plans to deal with that. plus -- >> most people who know me know i'm -- i'm a pretty friendly guy. i like a good party. >> president obama responds to this chorus of criticism that he doesn't socialize enough. with the lack of interparty partying says about the tone in washington these days. first, sheer look ahead at the president's schedule. kind of a quiet day at the white house, we are told. we will see. all meetings not on the -- front of the video lens.
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what we heard from some republicans in both the house and senate is that they will only increase the debt ceiling by the amount of spending cuts that they are able to push lou. congress has not been able to identify $1.2 ril onin cuts they are happy with. >> p obama's warning on the debt ceiling will republicans be able to use the debt ceiling debate as leverage to get big spending cuts? or will it be on the government funding? jinx me is congressman greg walden. member of the leadership and joins me now. congressman, good morning. >> good morning, chuck. good to be with you. >> nice to see you. let me ask you about this issue of whether the debt limit should be used as leverage or whether you are trying to convince your members to say, you know what, the better place to have a debate with the president about spending cuts is on funding with the government.
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>> first of all, chuck, you just wish the president weren't so adversarial in his tone and the way he deals with the congress. you know, in the past -- >> let me stop -- wait a minute. let me stop threw. >> a lot of people will say adversaryial relationships are a would-way street. >> they are. and that's why we have tried to reach out to the president and offer alternatives. we had a budget that's passed the house each of the last two times. senate hasn't had one in the last three years. look, we immediate to work together to solve these problems. if you go back, chuck, over the last 26 years, every time will has been a major reform of government spending and all it has been linked to debt increase, this is what we are saying. it is not our way or the highway but shouldn't be the president's way or the highway either. we have a huge spending deficit problem. they were considering for well over a week the notion of just mint inging a trillion dollar c and calling it good. the federal reserve said that's phony. that doesn't work. and the treasury department on
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saturday said okay, you are right. we won't go that route. we need serious proposals from the president and it is not just the congress. it is -- we got to work together to solve the country's problems. >> let me -- let me split off debt limit here. are you willing to do the debt limit on its own without any -- president say he's not going to negotiate, are you willing to pass a clean debt limit? >> you know, i think passing a clean debt limit is problematic for the american people as well as for the congress and the country. i think that we should find common ground here to look at spending reforms for the long term to gettous a path to reducing debt and deficit. i think we should look at current spending reductions that could take place and in ways we can grow the economy. i would like to see us work together on this matter and not just say your way or the highway. you know, the president when he was a senator voted to increasing the debt limit and said it was a failure of the leadership. he's the -- leader of the free world now. can't we get together and try on work these things out? >> if there is not a majority in
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the house republican conference to raise the debt limit but a majority in the house of representatives to raise a clean debt limit, would the leadership be willing to do that? >> you know, let's look at how do we avoid default on america and america's debt? how do we avoid these issues that are going to bankrupt the country long term? the fighting over what the internal rule is or isn't, republican conference, really isn't the issue here. the issue is can't we get the president the to sit down with us and not tell us it is our way or the highway or his way or the highway p that doesn't produce the kind of collaborative response to a problem. you know, you watch -- you were at the president's news conference yesterday. you know. it was -- congress to blame for everything. i'm going to tell you, we had a trillion dollar increase in our debt each of the last five years now. by the way, not a dime got spent this he didn't sign into law. and in fact, if you look a his failed stimulus, that was upwards of a trillion dollars of
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what we are dealing with now when you add in -- >> not everybody believes the stimulus. had an economic impact. >> a little bit. bottom line is they had to borrow the money to do that and with the interest it adds up to a trillion. president's health care laws, new spending. yeah. hay has been part -- he has been in washington the last four years. last time i checked, even -- you know, daughters don't want to play cards with him. he's there. we have time. let's sit down and figure this out and not have these ultimatum. >> i have to say it sounds like you are leaving the opening that maybe debt limit -- maybe you have these tougher negotiations and conversations over funding the government and maybe debt limit is a separate issue. is that -- am i -- reading in between the lines correctly? >> what i'm saying is we have sequestration coming up. we have the continuing resolution coming up. we are going to have in this same period of time a debate over a budget we hope to pass by the middle of march, early april. we will meet our deadlines. you have the debt ceiling issue.
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all of those are in the mix right now because they are all coming to a head at the same time. we are going to need to deal with all of them. can't we be responsible? can't we work collaboratively on this? if we can -- hearing from the white house that, you know, you go figure it out. it is not my problem. i didn't have anything to do with this. that's not the way to go. >> let me ask you about your job as the head of the republican campaign committee. will you support all incumbent house republicans no matter what under all circumstances? or -- is your job to eliminate primary opposition? >> you know, i love how you -- you know, we try to talk in absolutes here. we are a member of organization that supports republicans and republican members of the house. here's when we do and we go out and recruit. i think, you know the voters want to check and balance in washington. we are going to offer a positive alternative. great candidates. we now -- second biggest majority since world war ii coming off the biggest majority. we intend to build on that. and we are a member-driven organization. you bet we will work with
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incumbent. >> this has nothing to do whether support john boehner or not. members of the leadership deem across the street at the capitol or at the nrcc, have a common goal mission, that is to move forward with the republican principles that grows job and bring down our debts. i look for unifying things. i will not get off into the absolutes. >> okay. greg waldon, chairman of the nrcc. republicaning from the state of oregon. other stuff i wanted to get to and came to climate and energy issues and i know you care about. hopefully next time we will get to that. promises, promises. deep dive into the president's first term. campaign promises he made and the one he is kept, ones he didn't. and the one-time back burner issues that are quickly heating up. how many treasury secretaries
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president obama lays out his second-term wish list when he delivers his inaugural address monday. deep promises made before his first term to see where he succeeded and came up short. we look back at lee of candidate, hen president obama's, most notable speeches. where he lays out the essential promises and pledges he was making for his first term. three speeches we chose are his announcement of his candidacy in february of 2007. nomination acceptance speech in 2008 and inaugural address in 2009. will was a lot of rhetorical cap talg spent on handful of
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subjects in all three speeches. for the most part, he did when he said he would do. at the top of the list, call for jobs, economic fairness and tax breaks for the working class. candidate obama laid out in his speech the following way. his speech at the dnc. >> i will -- listen now. i will cut taxes, cut taxes, for 95% of all working families because in an economy like this, the last thing we should do is raise taxes. >> those tax breaks were made permanent and this new year's day fiscal cliff deal. the president also secured an extension of small business traction credits. fulfilling a prom fris the same speech. economy has posted job increases every month since late 2010. although this recovery is still very slow. president's promise to bring a responsible end to the war in iraq was the centerpiece of the 2008 campaign and the issue he used to draw clear distinctions
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with john mccain as president he kept that promise. he pulled the last combat troops out of iraq in december of 2011. he's also made strides towards ending the u.s. role in afghanistan and that's not over yet. indicated that troops may start coming home this spring. then will's health care. promise then senator obama made when he first announced his candidacy nearly six years ago. >> let's be the generation that says right here, right now, we will have universal health care in by the end of the next president's first term. we can do that. >> well, it took more than a year and arguably more political capital than any other issue but the president got health care reform through congress and he signed it into law in march of 2010. law's implementation is still a question mark and more legal challenges are ahead. right now the cbo projects 92% of non-elderly americans will have insurance by 2017.
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the president has incompletes on his record. he called for energy independence in all three major speechles at that time. as president, obama tried to accelerate the move towards alternative fuel. that effort has had its problems. investments like solyndra, notable busts. positive side, report from the world energy outlook found the u.s. would be oil self-sufficient by 2035. keep in mind market changes like the growth of natural gas, also had a hand in reducing pollution, and keeping carbon emissions low. then will's education. it is an issue we heard a lot about on that campaign trail four, five years ago. we haven't heard a lot about it since. the president did this. he promised to boost education by recruiting, quote, armies of teachers giving them better pay and making college more affordable. well, it has been a mixed record at best. harvard study in july of 2012 found the u.s. is trailing 24 other nations when it comes to the rate of educational improvement. teachers 'salaries rose slightly
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between 2009 and 2011 but during the same time, the hamilton project found that about 212,000 teaching jobs were cut. average tuition in a four-year public university climbed 15% between 2008 and 2010. then there are the issues that barely got mentioned. issues that ironically will make up the bulk of the president's second term. lower debt mentioned only twice in those three speeches. and they both came in only his 2007 announcement. he never mentioned the word debt in either of the dnc speech or first inaugural. the word deficit was mentioned only in his dnc speech and once in reference to trade. and once as a reason to cut more spending. guns got just a one-line mention in 2008 and believe it or not, immigration only got a one-line mention in 2008. and a one-word mention in 2007. not much for two issues that could consume a huge amount of time and energy if the president tries to push those measures through congress.
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then there's climate change, global warming. at the time gave them passing references in each speech and described it as a crisis and 21st century threat up about didn't go much further when one looks at all the money being spent on natural disaster recovery, including sandy relief, voted on today, issue of climate change is on his agenda whether he wants to deal with the politics of it or not. one last note. big one. common theme in all three speeches. was the need to change politics as usual in washington. here is what the president said at first inaugural in 2009. >> on this day we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, recriminations and worn-out dogmas that for far too long strangled our politics and our time of standing pat, protecting their interests, putting off unpleasant decisions. that time has surely passed. >> well, his inability to bring the change he promised may be the biggest disappointment of the president's first term when it comes to changing the tone of
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politics. of course, another four years, to try to change that. we will see how he mentions all of this wrapped up in his second inaugural which, of course, comes monday morning. up next, our meet the new member series. it continues. we have a young democrat who defeated the dean of california's house delegation. i gave birth to my daughter on may 18th, five days later, i had a massive heart attack. bayer aspirin was the first thing the emts gave me. now, i'm on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. [ woman ] learn from my story.
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what's wrong with experience in washington. >> there is nothing wrong with experience. experience where you have an entrenched i am couple been who in our case has become disconnected with from the district and hasn't lived in california for over 20 years and, of course, this bizarre behavior we have seen from him has caused him what seniority really means in congress. >> he spent the last six years as an east bay prosecutor and returning to washington. he worked as a congressional intern 11 years ago. supporting himself by working two jobs, he waited on members of congress table. >> 11 years later after serving gym towels in the morning and serving them meals in the evening, very close to an opportunity to serving with them in the halls of congress. >> was that the restaurant, tortilla coast?
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>> it is. >> we should get it right. we shouldn't ask what party were the better tippers. first term, house democrat, they say there is nothing harder than being in the minority on the house side of things. you have been all of one session of congress so far. technically, how has i been? >> great. we are a unified minority. our party right now is very much unified with our president. i think that is encouraging and -- we are hopeful for what 2014 can bring. >> is had a what you feel like your job is now that the house democrats job is now which is essentially just prepare for 14 because will is not much you can do other than stay unified as minority party? >> i came here to reach across the aisle and because of the top two system, have you the talk to voters and on the left and the right. no longer in california can you isolate voters. so i -- i do want to and i have worked across the aisle. but what we are seeing right now is a republican party that's fractured, some of them want to work with us and others do not.
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>> are there some house republicans you talked to already, reached across? >> yes. i have great respect for paul cook, southern california member, vet. was marine. purple heart. he and i talked a lot about what we can do on vets issues and i look forward to working with him. you know, we have done this throughout the orientation. >> do senior republicans -- house republicans -- i know how the senate works. each new senator gets a mentor. democratic mentor, republican mentor, senior member of the senate they get to know. does that happen in the house? >> not in the house. not with any of the senior members. freshman class, there are about 84 of us. we stuck together. >> republican and democrats? >> both republicans and democrats. we work out together, go on runs together. and we have -- a small group of us that get together and we are just talking about the different issues. we can sort them out and keep the promise. i think every district right now, voters are sick and tired of the partisanship. >> you bring up the partisanship issue. californians went to the new
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law. you both had to run -- basically had to run against -- had you to run against your opponent two different times. in the primary and then in the general election. pete stark. what was -- how many republican votes did you have to go in in the general election in order to -- in order to deplete? >> in the top two system any voter, any party can go for -- vote for any candidate. i was down by -- >> this happened in the primaries as well. what happened in the democratic primary? >> in the primary -- >> you would have lost. >> i probably would have lost. >> you would have lost. wouldn't have won. you go to the general election and it is you and pete stark. 50%. you and pete stark. so then -- how much time did you spend campaigning for republican votes? >> i was down by six going into the general election. and -- even during the primary we were talking to republicans, independents, democrats. but we knocked on over 100,000 doors during the campaign. we didn't -- isolate any voters. we didn't ignore any voters. we talked to republicans and endorsed by both republicans and democratic elected officials. we put together this coalition
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of people who wanted a new direction for washington, d.c., and i think that's going to be the name of the game now in california. you have to talk to all of the voters. you can't -- >> everybody -- number one question i get is -- this system where you sort of have this work view where -- you have -- where public opinion is here and the public opinion and republican districts is in another place. california came through with this redistricting reform. so you believe that this is a better with you to -- do you think other states should adopt the policy? >> you will see more high performing members of congress. reach across the aisle which washington -- >> if you don't you think could you lose. >> i think you can lose, right. unless you are in a district that's 100% democrats or 100% republicans, you have to talk to the other party because they could be the difference if you have a dem on dem or r on r matchup in november. >> i would say it was -- five or six of them in california. in the general election, one party facing off forcing that or the other party. good to meet you.
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we will follow up with you and see how how this specifically -- specifically see how this jungle primary system in california is going to work. thanks. >> thanks. party politics, what the president's social life or supposed lack thereof, says about the culture in washington today. plus, we can't ignore the lance armstrong store write. he comes clean. joined forces with the government as a whistleblower. soup of the day. mushroom and leek. my doctor told me calcium is efficiently absorbed in small continuous amounts. citracal slow release continuously releases calcium plus d with efficient absorption in one daily dose. citracal slow release. with efficient absorption in one daily dose. have given way to sleeping. tossing and turning where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta®(eszopiclone) can help you get there.
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less than two miles separate the white house from the other end of pennsylvania avenue. but boy, is there a gulf between president obama and members of congress. it couldn't be greater. >> most people that know me know
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i'm a pretty friendly guy. when i'm at the congressional picnic and folks are coming up and taking pictures with their family. it doesn't prevent them from going under the floor of the house and, you know, blasting me for being a big-spending soci socialist. >> let's bring in mark murray and daniela gibbs and from the huffington post, john ward. welcome all. mark murray, this issue of the president and socializing. one of those that outside, these are -- we hear this -- universal complaint. bipartisan here in washington. >> it does. it is a gripe we are hearing for republicans and democrats. i think the complaint is overstated. at the end of the day what matters is legislative achievements and results. the health care law, financial
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reform, and the new stark treaty. go back to the 1960s to find a sheet as long as barack obama's and so i think on that front, particularly when he asked democrats on capitol hill to jump often they often say how high despite all of the facts that, you know he might not have the warmest relationships. >> and i think a lot of this is the president obama gets compared to president clinton. the two -- and that's on this front. right? and -- you know, president obama is not the 2:00 a.m. phone call guy. that's not him. president clinton loved camp david and would bring members of congress and camp david all the time. president obama does not do that. >> you know, not many people are like bill clinton. i think that's -- just unfair. but you know, i -- feel the president's annoyance yesterday when he was talking about -- palpable. >> i hear that people tell him you don't do this enough. boy, he gets -- sort of bristles. wait a minute. >> yeah. actually they do. and they invite republicans to come to the white house and choose not to come. this whole relationship building thing, it is a would-way street.
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he can only offer so much. republicans eventually have to say okay, maybe we will come to one of your state i didn'ters. >> well, the -- john, so already this morning, the pushback, it is not the formal stuff where -- upset about. it is the informal outrage. >> the president has to be true to who he is. you know. >> that's who he is. >> hay is an introverted guy. maybe overstated it but -- >> quote order the record about this. >> that's right. doesn't like to back slap. at the same time, it would help, i'm sure if he was more extroverted. it will reply a role in the next four years if -- >> i want to bring up a point, mark, that jon meacham brought up which is this -- we are as a society, we are one of the things that social media has done, what the internet has done, we have -- go into our own
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cocoons now as a society. we don't talk to the other side as much. it is like the washington problem on steroids. it happens at homeowners association meet. >> in d.c., outside of d.c., broken down into two tribes, blue tribe and the red tribe. sometimes when you are a member of the blue tribe everything your side does is great. it is fine. can be defended. if you are on the other side you actually think the worst of all that person. and the problem is that it is very hard to find that middle when everyone is in their own two camps. >> it is. that's -- actually this is a problem in communities all around the country. >> the election. a look at the 2008 election. it was so divisive and ugly. you have -- members of the other -- i'm talking about 2008. when you have -- members of congress, you know, stand up in 2008 or 2009 and say you know, main objective is to make him a one-term president that sets the tone for what will happen. >> social media and advocacy media only certain to amplify. >> it agree with mark.
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both sides have the problem of being insular. there is more of an imperative for republicans and conservatives in washington and across the country to break out of this the country to break out of this. is. >> and they have to do hard work for it. we'll come back and talk about lance. we did a presidential forum at the lance armstrong foundation, and in time we ask -- how many treasury secretaries became chiefs of staff. answer, it's two. donald regan, and then he became cheef of staff, and jim bakker, he was reagan's treasury secretary and then became bush's chief of staff for the final months of his term when he came in to try to save the campaign baker of course was chief of
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stat for ronald reagan before becoming treasury secretary, but that's how he fits into the specific wording of this question. we'll be right back.
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he did not come clean in the way i expected. i felt he answered the questions in a way that he was ready. i didn't get all the questions asked, but i think the most important questions and answers that people around the world have been waiting to hear were answered, and certainly addressed -- i can only say i was satisfied by the answers. let's bring back the gaggle. number one, lance armstrong was
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always wanting to dabble in politics. we did a forum with him in 2007 with the livestrong foundation. i remember we had this debate, hey, you know, who are we doing this with? lance or the foundation? the foundation we were more comfortable with than lance, because you never knew when this day was going to come. >> i think this story has gotten so many traction because he was seen as one of the good guys. >> right. the austin guy. >> loved by everyone there, and lance armstrong, in sports sometimes you have the bad guys, the people you want to root against. when you see steroid allegations or doping, you say that's par for the course, particularly with the livestrong foundation he was seen as one of the good guys. he wants to compete, he's trying to save his legacy in a way. this is a man who bullied ruined other people. what he did to greg lamont or
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accused him or what he did to other whistle blowers, this is not a good person. >> i think it's next to impossible to rehabilitate his image. >> politicians that got involved, do you think they regret it? rode bikes with him. >> i think once you become friends with somebody, you become friends. danielle is right, it's going to be hard. the coverage i think is already starting to depict him as an underdog. >> interesting shameless plugs. >> the book out today is an interesting read. >> center for american progress released some topics on how to deal with the gun violence. americanprogress porg. >> and chuck your producer natalie and nate murphy did today's deep dive.
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we have more on the daily rundown. see you here tomorrow. chris jansen is next. two. three. my credit card rewards are easy to remember with the bankamericard cash rewards credit card. earn 1% cash back everywhere, every time. [ both ] 2% back on groceries. [ all ] 3% on gas. no hoops to jump through. i earn more cash back on the things i buy the most. [ woman ] it's as easy as... one! -two. -[ all ] three! [ male announcer ] the bankamericard cash rewards credit card. apply online or at a bank of america near you.
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